Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods | Book PDF


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Building construction is one of the major works of a civil engineer.Therefore it is much needed to know the basic procedures of building construction.
Whether you are an engineer or not you should know the basic terms and conditions of building construction. You may not have a proper knowledge but having a proper book may help you at any time.
Fundamentals of Building Construction is one the best book in building construction and to taught you the basic things.
This updated and latest edition of this book contains the basic terms and procedures. Moreover different topics on preengineered building systems are included to give you a overview of the system of building.
There are 24 chapters in this book. This book would be very good for the professionals interior design,architecture,construction engineer. This book could be one of the best if you collect it( I recommend to collect a copy).
This book gives you ample pictures,graphs and illustrations to let you know what is going on in real world. Real life examples and problem solution will surely help you to get the best of construction engineering.
This book covers almost everything that is required for a civil/construction engineer or for a student who wants to learn the fundamentals of building construction.

Tabla De Contenido

Chapter 1 Foundation Engineering
Chapter 2 Interior Design
Chapter 3 Wood Construction
Chapter 4 Masonry Construction
Chapter 5 Steel Construction
Chapter 6 Roofing Materials
Chapter 7 Drainage System
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